Kelso Mountain

Date: 06/03/2021
Partner: Kristi Henes
Trailhead: Grays Peak
Distance: 4.9 miles
Elevation Gain: 2400ft
Duration: 2hrs 50min

Kelso Page

Kelso Mountain has a hard time competing with the bigger and more iconic peaks in the Steven's Gulch zone. However, it does make for a great quick hit ski within an hour of Denver. I also imagine that it would pair well with Lost Rat Couloir on Grays and/or Dead Dog Couloir on Torreys if you're looking for a bigger day.

Although the line we skied is often climbed, we opted for the Steven's Gulch approach as friends have recently been ticketed for parking on the side of the road. It was a relatively painless skin from the trailhead, up the creek and all the way to the summit. The views of Edwards, Torreys and Steven's Gulch were fantastic. I would definitely opt for this approach again.

As far as the skiing goes, Kelso's north bowl is on the easy side of a blue.