Cable Canyon
Cable Canyon is located just outside of Hanksville UT... west of Moab. Cable offers plenty of rappeling, swimming, stemming etc. 100% fun. Mike, Kristi and I have done this canyon twice now... this album is a best of from our trips.
Sunrise from camp
Morning glow from camp
Morning glow from camp
on the moon
Factory Butte
Back roads to the put in
The day starts with crossing Salt Creek
The Devil's Hibachi
Mike on the approach
Alex and Kristi on the approach with the mouth of Cable Canyon below
Cable Canyon from the southern rim
Alex rappelling off a sketchy cairn. The bottom rock slid a little when weighted.
Alex and Mike excited that the rap from the sketchy cairn is over
Alex on the first rap... getting ready for a swim
Kristi delaying the inevitable dunking
Kristi makes her way
Mike up to his "crochies"
Kristi raps into the first big pothole. The first time we did this canyon the floor was sandy and dry
Kristi raps into the first big pothole
Kristi in the first big pothole... note dry floor
Alex rapping into first big pothole
Mike raps into first big pothole
With Kristi's pack on the far end of the rope... Alex helps Kristi out of the first big pothole
Alex using Etriers to escape
Alex on the backside of the first big pothole
Mike making his way out of the first big pothole
as you can see... it was HOT in the canyon
Mike Poland
Alex... the great escape
Alex... almost out
Baby... can I lend you a hand?
nobody rides for free ;-)
does she realize she is still on rope? might be spending some extra time in the drink
Krisit... high steppin. Check out how she uses her foot and both hands to juice every ounce of friction to pull herself out.
Alex on the horse
Kristi rappels from the horse into the room below
Alex and Kristi in the room below the horse
Alex rapping into the room below the horse
Mike rapping into the room below the horse
Kristi stoked for the scummy pond below
Kristi weighting the rope so Alex can escape the previous pothole
Alex... Aussie style
If Kristi had crochies... they would be cold
Alex down climbs above a reflecting pool
Kristi and Mike navigate the reflecting pool.
Kristi scaling above the reflecting pool
Kristi and Mike above the reflecting pool
oooops... croachies = wet
Kristi and Mike down climbing
Alex and Kristi
Kristi taking full advantage of the situation... happens at home all the time
Kristi warming up on the rock as Alex swims