Ribbed Peak

Date: 7/30/2022
Partners: Heather Ryan
TH: Woods Lake / Eagle Lake Trail
Summits: PT13002, Ribbed, PT13100A
Distance: 19.5m
Elevation Gain: 8000ft
Duration: 16hrs

This might have been a bit much to bite off in one day... however we didn't know the bushwhacky, route findy and generally physical nature of the terrain to the end of the valley to climb PT13002. Even the approach to the base of Ribbed was challenging.

The climb of PT13002 was pretty meh... up a loose gully to the saddle with some generally fun scrambling up top.

On the other hand Ribbed and the traverse to PT13100A was one of my favorite Sawatch routes to date. Fun techy class 3/4 scrambling on quality rock with mild exposure and some route finding higher on the mountain.

The descent from PT13100A was tedious and tough... as was the exit back to the TH.

Fun Fact: Bring extra socks... maybe two

Won't forget this one.

Ribbed 14ers.com Page
PT13100A 14ers.com Page
PT13002 was upgraded from a 12er to a 13er with 2022 LiDAR data and there was no 14ers.com page at the time.