Coxcomb & Redcliff

Coxcomb - SW Chimney - Class 5.6
Redcliff - S Ridge - Class 2

From the West Fork of the Cimarron TH Kristi and I hiked Redcliff first. After Redcliff we wrapped around Coxcomb's east side to our ascent chimney. This was a good route. We took two 60 meter ropes and a handful of nuts. The two ropes allowed us to descend the chimeny in one rap. One 60 meter would have sufficed... but would have taken two raps. Another option would have been to rap Coxcomb's north side. After climbing and descending Coxcomb we completed the loop around Coxcomb's west side. We covered roughly 8 miles and 4600ft vertical in 11 hours. My GPS got all wonky around Coxcomb so the numbers are approximate.


Redcliff Page
Coxcomb Page