Kuss to Tweto

TH: Mosquito Gulch Parking Lot - 11,500ft
Peaks: Kuss, Mosquito, Treasurevault, Tweto
8mi - 3400ft
Partner: Kristi Henes

Kuss 14ers.com Page
Mosquito 14ers.com Page
Treasurevault 14ers.com Page
Tweto 14ers.com Page

From the truck we hiked a big clockwise loop starting with Kuss, then Mosiquito, Treasurevault and Tweto. The hiking was relatively easy going.

On the summit of Tweto I realized that I did not have my cell phone with me. After some brainwracking I decided I had left it in the truck. However when back at the truck it was nowhere to be found.

Frustrated we decided to write it off and headed to Breckenridge for lunch.

Still frustrated with the loss we decided to go back and look for the phone on the summit of Kuss where I had done a layer transition.

So we drove back to Mosquito Gulch and climbed Kuss for a second time ( an additional 4.5 miles and 1900 vertical)

Success!!! The effort was well worth it... the phone was undamaged on the ground close the repeater station.

We ended our second outing with a sprint down the road to the parking area. Thunder was echoing through Mosquito Gulch. We made it back to the truck just as sheets of rain came pouring down.

I'll have to say the day was a real adventure. Thanks to Kristi for encouraging the search and keeping a good sense of humor :-)